James Francis Durham
born about January 1885 - 18 August 1910
Bugler, Jimmy Durham with the Mascot Sheep, Aldershot 1904
The article remembers that when the Battalion received orders to go to India,
it was intended that Jimmy would be left in a mission school in Cairo. The
Sergeants, however, objected and promised to subscribe monthly towards his
maintenance. Sgt. Stuart was heartbroken at the thought that Jimmy was not
to be allowed to come to India.
The men at Ghorupa Barracks India
The Band at Poona, India 1897
The men at Mandalay, Burma 1899
Jimmy went with the 2nd Battalion to India and Burma and, when he reached the
age of 14, he enlisted into the Durham Light Infantry as a bandsman. He moved
to Aldershot in 1902, and from there to Victoria Barracks, Cork in 1904.
He moved to Fermoy in 1905.
Jimmy Durham at Aldershot 1904
Corunna Barracks Aldershot 1904
Thanks and acknowledgements go to Durham Records Office
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